Friday, September 20, 2013

farhan and ambreen

blogg by : IRFAN-UL-HAQ
Interview of : Famous designer : farhan and ambreen

  1. What inspired you to become a fashion designer?

  2. I think Ambreen was born to be a designer as since her childhood she’d been painting and designing clothes for herself. But I never thought I’d be a fashion designer. It happened by chance. I always wanted to be a professional Tennis player or a Musician. For me the source of Inspiration was Ambreen.
  3. The business cycle is not easy to endure, especially for newcomers. Can you name a Guru who guided you?

  4. Our Guru is our father. He was a great Businessman and an honest human being. He always encouraged us to start our business, taught the ins and outs, that’s why business runs in our family.
  5. How do you help women in the becoming torch bearers of fashion and style?

  6. We try to make them feel comfortable and understand their own natural beauty and explore their own style. It is also important that they understand their body type so that they can always have the cuts and designs made accordingly. Instead of just giving them dressing advice, we also advise them how to be healthy and fit to get that confidence.
  7. When you see your dresses looking good on an individual, how do you feel?

  8. It feels great. It is always satisfying when people admire your designs and actually wear them and appreciate the designs and colors you’ve chosen for them.
  9. In case of an unsatisfactory customer, do you accept criticism; ever lose your temper?

  10. Criticism is the best way to learn and polish your skills. Nobody’s perfect and you always grow and get matured when you have the guts to learn from your mistakes.

  1. What thrills you?

  2. Challenges... Be it designing for a Bride, designing our prĂȘt collection or designing for a fashion show. We’re always thrilled when it comes to show our creativity.
  3. What is your designing philosophy, what do you keep in mind while designing?

  4. If we’re designing for our collection then honestly there’s nothing in mind initially but as we go out, look at the fabrics, something just comes in our mind and we start discussing the design there and then. If we’re designing for a fashion show, then we keep a specific theme in our mind and design accordingly and if it’s for a customer then obviously we have to keep in mind the color complexion of the customer and their likes and dislikes.
  5. Pakistan made textiles; do you accept the quality of the cloth?

  6. Pakistan produces one of the best textiles in the world. As the fashion industry is growing, I believe Pakistan’s textile is also growing more domestically and internationally. As you can see more textiles mills have started hiring designers to design their lawn Prints so the quality of fabric and prints is improving every year.
  7. Your competitors in business, are they a threat?

  8. Competition is healthy. In the past 5-6 years so many people have entered this industry that you have to be on your feet and constantly create something new. If you’re creating what others are creating then your competitors can be a threat but our styling, color patterns, silhouettes are what we feel inside and what we imagine and that’s enough to differentiate our product from others.
  9. With all these fashion weeks, do you think Pakistan Fashion Industry is evolving and evolving to the right direction!

  10. Yes of course! With these fashion weeks Pakistan’s fashion is being recognized in many parts of the world and we have seen so many foreigners liking our stuff.
  11. Do you take pride in designing traditional dresses or western dresses with modern urban edge?

  12. We enjoy designing and for us there is no confined boundary.
  13. How do you see your work, five years from now?

  14. Insha Allah one of the Top brands of Pakistan with a complete line of collection for Women and Men.
  15. What makes you feel proud about Pakistani fashion industry and Pakistani designers?

  16. We feel proud that Pakistani fashion industry is being recognized worldwide and all the designers doing such a great job to take it to the right direction.
  17. Any fashion advice you want to give to Pakistani youth?

  18. Comfort is the Key. Attitude, confidence and a genuine smile are very important to carry off an outfit, so always remember to wear them too.

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